Robert Ivan standing atop Chisana Glacier, Alaska


Outdoorsman Name Generator

Are you an avid outdoorsman who was cursed by your parents with a weak name? Well have I got the solution for you! This web app will randomly generate a new name for you with the click of a button. #javascript #fun #play

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NYC LunchTime - Web App

Winner, "Best App Design" @ NYC Global Mobile Hackathon, 4 October 2014. Scraped November 2014 Public School meal information from pdfs and made it available in a web application to facilitate awareness, alerts, sharing and voting on meal options. #parse #mustacheJS #bootstrap

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World Cup Data Visualization

This visualization is accomplished using html5 and css3 and by viewing it in a modern web browser. #Data #HTML5 #CSS3 #Javascript #Visualization

World Cup Project »

IEEE @ SXSW 2015

This is a single page, mobile-first, responsive-design website build for IEEE's 2015 presence at SXSW Interactive. Over 90% of traffic comes from mobile during the event so the page was optimized for fast loading and easy sharing in that scenario. #bootstrap #RWD #mobile

IEEE @ SXSW 2015 »

Custom Google Map

This is a prototype I built for IEEE to highlight how they can use Google Maps API v3 to make their text content more dynamic and visually appealing. All IEEE office locations have been plotted on a cleaned up map. Clicking the pins zooms to location and brings up the details for that location. Mobile Friendly. #mapping #dataViz #javascript

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Drag and Drop Heatmap

The idea is to drag and drop a screen shot into the canvas element then use the heatmap generator to create fake click heatmaps, good for prototyping or mockups. #HTML5 #CSS3 #canvas #fun

Heatmap Project »


World Cup Infographic

I created this concept for work, however it's pretty dope and it got some good press so I'm sharing it here. This infographic highlights all the advanced and emergening technologies being used at the 2014 FIFA World Cup. #infographic #sharableContent #contentPositioning

World Cup Infographic »

NJ's Best Fishing Blog

I love fishing and I love blogging so I married the two into a fishing blog which seeks to give valuable info to knowledge to fisherpeople at large. Continuously run since 2009, most of the engagement these days happens on Facebook so check both sites out. #blogging #wordpress #fishing

Fishing Blog » Facebook »

MA Thesis

My MA Thesis from NYU (2009) hypothesizes that general interest Newspaper Websites, no matter their pagecount, are unable to generate sustainable revenue from only online advertising. To my knowledge, it is still true in 2015. #paradigmShift #newspaper #publishing #unbundling #digitalAdvertising

MA Thesis »

NJ Patch Sites - Mapped

I created this custom google map showing the geolocation of NJ sites because I found their existing state page lacking in that it requires users to know WHERE the patch site they are looking for is geographically located. My map lets you click a pin on a map to get to the site. #datavisualization #mapping

NJ Patch Sites Map »


Modified PowerWheels

Frame-off restoration and modding 12v to 24v a kids powerwheels quad. #PowerWheels #DIY #Make #fun

Project Notes »

Ultimate Machine

DIY build of Marvin Minsky's Ultimate Machine using the Arduino Uno, custom finger & assembly, and wooden enclosure. #Arduino #DIY #Make #fun

Project Notes »

Operation Game - MakeyMakey

I recreated the Operation game using a Makey Makey microcontroller. #DIY #MakeyMakey #fun #play

Operation Game »


Lego Epic Industry

Believe it or not I'm not done with this build and I've added much more, but what you are seeing is some kind of industrial complex with many moving pieces like the driveshafts and crane but also computer monitors, levers, guards, lights...and more! Very fun build! #Lego #engineering #fun #play

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Lego Silly House

Sometimes after my kids go to sleep I put together silly scenarios for them to wake up to. What can I say, I love Lego! This scene has Patrick Star emerging from well as sleeping in a bed. I made some custom bees and a beehive for mister bear to get into as well. #Lego #fun #play

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Lego Zipline

Building Legos is fun, but what do you do when you're done building and want to keep playing? You play with your creations of course! I made this Lego Zip Line project using kite string, and a bunch of Lego wheels and block pieces. Click through to photos and videos for details on the project. #Lego #DIY

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